Shop for Beautiful Graduation Flowers at Bussey’s Florist

Bussey's Florist provides local same day and express flower delivery service to Coosa High School, in Rome, Georgia The welcomed month of May has arrived, and graduation plans are starting to take shape. This is an exciting time for school students from preschool age and above as they will be moving to the next level of their education.  Throughout the graduation process, we cannot forget the teachers, professors and parents that have helped students reach graduation. Salute all of these folks with thoughtful and elegant Graduation Flowers from Bussey's Florist. Bussey's Florist congratulates all of these people and their accomplishments.  Our professional multi-talented floral designers will help you honor that accomplished graduate, teacher or parent. They will be so happy to receive an Bussey's Florist Flower arrangement, or bouquet and you will be proud to give it to them. Graduation is a major event in people's lives. It is yet another chapter and an exciting time of progression. Flowers are a great way to recognize the accomplishments of a graduate, or anyone related to the graduate like a mom or teacher. The culmination of years of hard work to get to the point of graduation reflects determination and a great deal of pride.  As parents and family are always proud, giving flowers or a lovely gift basket is a great way to show thoughtfulness and pride. Flowers have been an important symbol of thoughtfulness, love and caring for many centuries. Dating back to the Roman the goddess of love Venus often pictured surrounded with different varieties of flowers. In the 19th century, many writers referenced the "language of flowers".  That language defined symbolic meaning to colors and types of flowers. Flowers will add to the joy of your friend's or loved one's graduation day. The color and symbolism of blossoming into the [...]

2022-05-04T15:21:32+00:00May 4th, 2022|Categories: Bussey's Florist, Rome GA Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Shop for Beautiful Graduation Flowers at Bussey’s Florist

Shop Bussey’s Florist for Excellent Mother’s Day Floral Products

Bussey's Florist provides same day and express flower delivery service 6 days a week to customers in Floyd and Polk counties Mother's Day 2022 happens on May 8th! This memorable and special day has been a wonderful occasion for mothers and families since its inception many years ago. With supply chain issues remaining disrupted, please do not wait too long to start shopping for Mother's Day Floral Products. The talented award -winning Floral Designers at Bussey's Florist have crafted the most caring fresh flowers and plants. Each of our floral products were carefully created by our Floral Designers to put a big smile on mom's face. Thinking about all of the things one can do for mom is a natural thing. However, if you are a mom also, take a moment to consider what you might do for yourself. Often, a mother may neglect thinking about themselves and wind up missing out on well-deserved rewards. For all moms, you owe it to yourself to think about your accomplishments and sacrifices to raise a family and keep the home functioning. It takes a lot of devotion to be a great mom. Below are some valuable tips to consider on your special day. Reflect on you - Mother's Day is not just another day. It is easy to slip into the daily routine of being "super mom". Instead, take time to reflect on your accomplishments and all that you do for your immediate and extended family. Try to not spend the day critiquing your abilities and accomplishments. Reach out to other Moms - You have a circle of friends some of whom are moms like you. Some of these ladies are probably people you admire for their mothering skills. Take a few moments to reach out to them and let them know [...]

Bussey’s Florist offers very Lovely and Heartfelt Mother’s Day Flowers

Bussey's Florist was Voted Best Florist by readers of the Rome News Tribune and the Journal-Standard We at Bussey's Florist, strongly encourage all of our customers to start shopping now to find lovely Mother's Day Flowers. This is arguably the busiest time of the year for Flower purchases and now is the perfect time to start shopping with Bussey's Florist. Our Floral Designers have been working many hours creating elegant, fresh and heartfelt flower arrangements and bouquets for Mother's Day. Mom is for sure a one-of-a-kind lady and deserves to be additionally honored on Mother's Day. An excellent way to do that is by giving her a special Bussey's Florist Bouquet. After all, she spent many years of dedicated commitment to our success and happiness.  Let her know you have not forgotten her devotion. There is nothing better than watching mom's face when she receives a gorgeous bouquet. If you are still looking for fun activities to do with Mom on this special day, there are hundreds of things to do. Whatever you choose it will not matter to her as long as she is with you. Below is a short list to help you. Activities Air BNB - Pick a favorite getaway destination and take mom for a short trip. Make it a fun adventure for all. Pamper Mom - Book a spa day with your mom. There are many package deals for Mother's Day. This is a great way to spend time with your special Mom and both of you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Create a Photo Collage - You probably have many photos in boxes. Go through them and pick out the ones that you think your mom would be the most touched by viewing again. Then go to the arts and crafts store and purchase [...]

Shop for Fresh and Thoughtful Administrative Professionals Day Flowers at Bussey’s Florist

Bussey's Florist provides local same day and express flower delivery service to Armuchee High School. I have encountered and had the pleasure of working with some of the very best Administrative Professionals during many years of working in corporate America. These men and women were selfless, dedicated, focused, unofficial office leaders and some of the most rigid gate keepers ever. We all have worked with people like that. Bussey's Florist and our team of world class Floral Designers have prepared beautiful Administrative Professionals Day Flowers to honor this day. Administrative Professionals Day is an evolution of what used to be National Secretaries Day which was created in 1942. Over the years it has become more of a celebrated and recognized day. The past two years with people working more from home, it has heighted the awareness and importance of Administrative Professionals Day. These employees have been the glue that have held many offices together. Their ability to help the staff stay connected and informed has kept the harmony and productivity at high levels. This year, Administrative Professionals Day is honored on April 27th. It always falls on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. In addition to sending the lovely flowers, there are more ways to pay respect to those Assistants that go above and beyond in the workforce. Other assistants can include secretaries, administrative assistants, executive assistants, personal assistants, receptionists, client services representatives, and other administrative support professionals just to name some of the obvious. As you shop, keep in mind the top flowers for Administrative Professionals Day are: Daisies - These symbolize innocence purity and can also be used to signify new beginnings. The actual flower meaning is "I will never tell". Therefore, they can represent loyalty as well. Tulips - As it pertains to an Assistant's [...]

Bussey’s Florist Invites You to Start Shopping Now for Easter and Passover Flowers

Bussey's Florist Has a New Design Center in Cartersville GA for Staging Deliveries into the Area Easter is referred to as the "moveable feast" meaning that it is one Religious Holiday that moves from year to year. This year Easter falls on April 17th.  The reason for this change is that Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the spring equinox.  Easter, as with other holidays, ushers in a changing of the seasons. That season of course being Spring. Bussey's Florist invites you to visit us and begin shopping for Easter and Passover Flowers. Spring is symbolic to the renewing of life as the plants and trees that have been dormant for the winter begin to blossom. Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere look forward to warmer weather and an increase in more daylight. This symbolism of the coming back to life is a correlation to the resurrection of Jesus. In the Jewish faith, this time is referred to as Passover. The Hebrew Bible commemorates Passover as a festival which celebrates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. This is referenced in the Book of Exodus. During the time of Jesus, Jewish pilgrims flocked to Jerusalem in hope that God would liberate them from the Romans. On one Passover, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem and the resulting disturbance in the Temple ultimately led to his crucifixion. In early America, the Easter festival was more celebrated by Catholics than Protestants. The Puritans of New England considered both Easter and Christmas as festivals for heavy drinking and merrymaking. However, by the 19th century this belief had changed, and the holidays became a time to spend joyous moments with family. Today customary traditions of Easter Egg Hunting, Parades and the Easter Bunny have become [...]

2022-03-19T15:34:08+00:00March 19th, 2022|Categories: Bussey's Florist, Cedartown Florist, Easter and Passover Flowers, Rome GA Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Bussey’s Florist Invites You to Start Shopping Now for Easter and Passover Flowers

For Fresh Saint Patrick’s Day Flowers, shop at Bussey’s Florist

Bussey's Florist  Shopping with Bussey's Florist will ensure that you are selecting beautiful Saint Patrick's Day Flowers to celebrate this enjoyable holiday.  Saint Patrick's Day on March 17th is the last major holiday we celebrate before the long-awaited Spring season commences. In addition, it will also be the first in two years where people will be gathering in larger crowds to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.    Our staff is made up of a team of extremely talented and passionate floral designers. They create stunning, thoughtful, fresh and upscale flower arrangements and can have them available for local same day flower delivery service. Did you know that the original theme color for Saint Patrick's Day was blue and not green? If you want to be original, try purchasing some of our blue flower arrangements and tell your guests they are for this special holiday. Some of the favorite flowers and plants to purchase for Saint Patrick's Day are: Shamrocks These are the traditional plants symbolizing Spring’s rebirth and were once considered a sacred plant in Ireland. Bells of Ireland This plant has tall green spires with bell shaped blooms. Encased in the bells are small delicate white flowers. Most of the time they are used as accents in flower arrangements. However, than can act as an arrangement all by themselves. Daffodils The scent of the Daffodil can make any home smell fresh and Spring like. These are a favorite Irish flower but also a favorite in the US. Some of the most adored varieties are the Acropolis, Obdam, Calgary, Thalia, Delnashaugh, Replete, Winston Churchill and Bridal Crown. Yellow and white roses Roses are always a favorite. Mixing these with green accents makes the arrangement a very Saint Patrick's Day themed gift. Cymbidium orchid The Cymbidium Orchid is lime-green and has a [...]

Visit Bussey’s Florist for Flowers to Impress this International Women’s Day

Bussey's Florist Offers Local Same Day and Express Delivery The best way to recognize International Women's Day on March 8th, is to send fresh flowers from Bussey's Florist. It is well known that Women have struggled to gain equal pay and voting rights since the early 1900's. Today with the help of many advocates, women's rights have come very far. This special day on March 8 is designed to pay tribute to the wonderful women and their contributions. Also, a time to ponder the struggles over many years to get past the injustices women were faced with.  Bussey's Florist sells only the freshest and most creative floral products and arrangements. Fact checking the historical advancements for women's rights, it is evident how much progress has occurred with respect to equality. Women now hold many powerful and influential positions within our society including prestigious board roles. In 1909 the first International Women's Day was held in the United States of America. The day began to gain popularity in other countries. By 1911 it was observed in several countries including Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.  To honor of this day, in 2011 there was a 100-year anniversary to celebrate. Now in 2022, the world is a changed place. One change is that women have gained momentum in terms of job equality and opportunity. That is not to say there is not still room for improvement, but much progress has been made in a century. You now find women in numerous high-level roles within the public and private sector. Women now can be found in many boardrooms. International Women's Day In order to honor the importance of International Women's Day, a beautiful flower arrangement from Bussey's Florist will be an appreciated gesture. Then to carry on that effort, below are some ideas to create a [...]

March Birthday Flowers are better when they come from Bussey’s Florist

Bussey's Florist Voted Best Florist in Floyd & Polk Counties People with a March Birthday are fortunate. This is a great month to celebrate a birthday. March Birthday Flowers from Bussey's Florist will convey a nice celebration message. March has some unique things to offer. For example, it is the month when we make the wonderful change from Winter to Spring. Well at least in our hemisphere. Assuming you prefer warmer weather and the beginning of new growth for plants and flowers, Spring is a magnificent time of year. Some of the other unique things about March are: People born before March 20th are considered to be Pisces on the zodiac chart. Those born after that date are considered to be Aries. Followers of the zodiac signs feel that Pisces people are compassionate and creative. Conversely, Aries people are thought to be passionate, motivated and energetic. There are two birthstones in March. One is the Aquamarine. This stone is blue-green and creates beautiful jewelry and the name comes from the Latin word for seawater. It is thought to have healing powers. The second birthstone is the Bloodstone. It is a quartz type of stone that is also thought to have healing powers. In addition, Centuries ago the Egyptians believed the Bloodstone gave them additional strength as they battled their enemies. The March Birth Flower is the Daffodil. A wonderful Springtime flower, there are 13 different divisions of the Daffodil or Narcissi. Bussey's Florist has a nice selection of these for customers to purchase. One study in Europe revealed that March born people tend to be much more positive. Of course, there are always studies that reflect interesting things. For example, one study has shown that March babies have high likelihood of becoming CEOs. While yet another shows they have a high [...]

Celebrate National Floral Design Day with Bussey’s Florist and our Beautiful Flower Bouquets

Bussey's Florist National Floral Design Day on February 28th is a sensational day to recognize the art of Floral Design. People who have a real appreciation for art know that designing a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers takes skill, patience and artistry. For the most part, it is only these Floral Design artists that are able to create masterpieces that customers want to purchase. Bussey's Florist employs people that have these unique talents. They know that flowers demonstrate a sense of caring which is the foundation for a great product. Floral Design Day actually began in 1995 when the Governor of Massachusetts proclaimed this National Floral Design Day. Possessing a talent for artistry, the Floral Designers in the several billion-dollar floral industry space, are simply creative people. To become a Floral Designer, a person typically needs to be a high school graduate. Then there are numerous classes these individuals may take to further their knowledge and skill.  There is even a designation offered by The American Institute of Floral Designers for Certified Floral Designer.   Bussey's Florist Flowers for National Floral Design Day The Floral Design team at Bussey's Florist is one of the most talented you will find in the Floral Industry. The fundamental job description for these folks, and others in the industry, would require that the Floral Designer possess: Sufficient knowledge of flowers and plants to educate customers on proper care. Such detail as proper watering, sunlight and room temperatures are important for customers to be educated on. In addition, being capable to set customer expectations for the expected life cycle of their flower or plant purchase is critical. Some knowledge of the wholesale acquisition of product. Bussey's Florist buys products from different farms. The Floral Designers have to understand that process. Above all, the Floral Designer must [...]

2022-02-16T17:57:10+00:00February 16th, 2022|Categories: Bussey's Florist, Cedartown Florist, National Floral Design Day, Rome GA Florist, Same Day Flower Delivery, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Celebrate National Floral Design Day with Bussey’s Florist and our Beautiful Flower Bouquets

This Season, Early Ordering for Valentine’s Day will help per the professionals at Bussey’s Florist

Bussey's Florist Early Ordering for Valentine's Day The supply chain problem is far reaching. Not surprising, it has also impacted the Flower industry. Bussey's Florist provides best in the industry service and products to customers.  We work hard to stay ahead of supply issues. Bussey's Florist makes Early Ordering for Valentine's Day very convenient and easy. As we are getting closer to Valentine's Day, please place orders early.   Early Valentine's Flower Ordering Due to the pandemic, there were fewer than normal plantings at flower farms. What is more, farm owners were forced to shut down because of the need to quarantine. Consequently, they were forced to lay off workers. In some cases, they had to shut down their farms completely.  An estimated 247,717 floral worker jobs were lost between 2019 and 2020. South America is one of the top countries for flower production. The growing conditions have historically been very good on that continent. However, recent weather pattern changes have caused colder nights and more rain than is required. Therefore, the health of flower plants has been negatively affected. Similarly, U.S. Flower Farms have suffered as well. For example, California is a top flower producer. Drought, wildfire and the unpredicted flooding has caused much damage to flower crops. Interestingly, Weddings are going through a boom period. According to reports there were 1.3 million weddings in 2020. Then in 2021 that grew to 1.93 million. It is predicted that there could be 2.47 million in 2022. Of course, this will most likely normalize once the back log of delayed weddings is addressed. For this reason, it is easy to see what a strain this has placed on flower shoppes.  Adjustments to Flower Shortage Above all, Bussey's Florist has a strong desire to delight customers with service and beautiful flowers. Thus, we have [...]

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